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10 items found for ""

  • Hair Extensions

    Human hair extensions have become so popular among women worldwide since its inception. Their sales have been going up drastically since touching millions of women's hearts. Hair extensions are considered as one of the essential products that enhance beauty. It has helped them in achieving the hair of their dreams in minutes. You can get the desired hair volume with hair extensions. However, before buying and putting on a black hair extension, you need to know how extensions exactly work to avoid any attachment fails. If you want to know how each thing works, then you are most welcome. There are different Types Of Hair Extensions 1. Sew-In Hair Extensions, . 2. Tape in Hair Exsensions. 3. Clips in Hair Extension 4. Micro rings Hair Extension I Advice new client to come for consultation first Note: prices are without Hair.

  • Damen Haare / women Hair

    Wash &Style including conditioning for normal hair Fr.55 Curly hair Fr. 65. Long hair Fr.70 Curly hair Fr. 80 Cut and go split end for normal hair Fr.45 curly hair Fr. 80. Wash, cut, conditioning and brushing normal hair Fr.60 curly hair Fr. 85 long hair Fr.85 Curly hair Fr.105 Treatment with Moisture Mask Fr.25 Curly hair Fr35 Hot oil steaming Fr.45 Curly hair Fr 65 protein repair Mask Fr.30 Curly hair Fr40 Brushing Normal hair Fr.45 Curly hair Fr55 brush and flat ironing Normal hair Fr. 55 Curly hair Fr75 Wash, condition and Rollers Short hair Fr. 65 Curly hair Fr80 long hair Fr. 75 Curly hair Fr 95 Coloration: Ansatz ab Fr60 New colouring ab Fr.75 long hair ab Fr.95 Mèches /Bayalage full head ab Fr.140 long ab Fr.180 blond colouring ab Fr.120 long hair ab Fr150 Permanent t curls/Dauerwelle ab Fr 120 Dred Locks new dred Locks ab Fr. 250 Relocking ab Fr. 120

  • Hair Braiding

    What is the meaning of braiding hair To braid hair, you have to weave the strands of hair together: this is also called plaiting, lacing, and interlacing. Other materials can be braided, but the most popular thing to braid is definitely hair. Definitions of braid. verb. make by braiding or interlacing. Is it good for your hair to be braided? Keeping your hair in braids reduces friction between your hair and pillow, reducing hair breakage. Amp it up, and get silk pillowcases for even less friction! It also keeps your hair tamed and more structured, resulting in less snarls and frustrating tangles when you wake up in the morning Which hair style is best for hair growth? Here are the many styles to choose from based on your hair goals and needs: Cornrows. Cornrows are a popular and versatile protective hairstyle that can be worn on all hair types and lengths. ... Top Knot. ... Bantu Knots. ... Box Braids. ... Crochet Braids. ... Senegalese Twists. ... Pineapple. ... Wig. Do Braids Make Your Hair Grow Faster? Braiding your hair can help to make it grow faster by providing it with a more stable structure. The style can also protect your hair from daily contact with textiles and objects that may cause additional friction, which can lead to breakage. Box braids are a protective hairstyle in which natural hair is separated into box-shaped sections. Then extensions are braided into the natural hair. This allows you to add length and thickness to your hair, which is especially helpful if you have thin or fine hair. How long do braids last? between two to eight weeks Although braids can last anywhere between two to eight weeks depending on which kind you go for and how you wear them, you should be prepared to cleanse roughly every two to three weeks. If you've been swimming (or happen to sweat a lot), your scalp will require a bit of TLC How much should I charge for braid or Conrow It depends on the style, length and thickness, you should expect to pay around chf100 to chf600, plus about 4 to 8 packs of pre-stretched braiding hair for a mid-length look. In addition to the size of your braids, the intricacy of your style can impact box braids prices. Please it is advisable to send pictures of the braid you would like to do first for price

  • Epilation with honey wax

    Waxing is a process of semi-permanent hair removal in which heated wax is used to remove unwanted facial and body hair. We offer; arms 1/1 ch55 arms 1/2 ch35 eyebrows, Upper lips, Chin Je ab ch20 20/40mins legs, or 1/2 Legs half legs ab ch55 45/60mins bikini line ch30 30min whole Bikini/brazilian wax ch60 50mins armpit ch25 20mins chest, Back, Tummy, Arms und Shoulder Je ab ch40 20/55mins Whole face/Facial ch65 55mins

  • Brazilian keratin treatment

    A smoothing treatment can be a worthwhile investment for anyone with frizz-prone hair. A keratin treatment is a process that smooths and often straightens hair. You might also hear it called a Brazilian keratin treatment or a Brazilian blowout. It involves applying products to the hair, blow-drying it, and sealing it with a flat iron. Keratin is a natural type of protein in your skin, hair, and nails. Is Brazilian keratin treatment good for your hair? Replacing the Keratin will help rebuild the cortex of the hair, giving it strength and a shiny appearance. The latest Brazilian Keratin treatments also include low pH amino acids, straighten the hair as well as rebuild it to enviable strength which is, of course, great for anyone looking to grow their hair. How long does Brazilian keratin treatment last? A keratin treatment, sometimes called a Brazilian blowout or Brazilian keratin treatment, is a chemical procedure usually done in a salon that can make hair look straighter for as long as 6 months. It adds intense glossy shine to hair and can reduce frizz Which is safer keratin or Brazilian? Keratin treatments are healthier for your hair due to the keratin molecules that fortify your hair internally and externally. Keratin will also make your hair more manageable. How often should I get a Brazilian keratin treatment? Provided that you don't use shampoos that contain sulfates and chlorine, your treatment should last anywhere from three to four months — possibly longer if you don't need to wash your hair as regularly as some. Once it wears off, your hair will return to its natural curl pattern

  • Facial Treatment

    Mit H202 Hydra Facial Aquadermabrasion Behandlung. Aquadermabrasion werde Hautablagerungen gründlich und sanft wegepeelt ohne sand, Chemie oder kristalle.. Altershaut Grossporige Haut Verhornungsstörung, Hautverfeinerung Unreine, ölige Haut bis hin zur "Akne" Aknenarben Licht- und sonnengeschädigte Haut Altersflecken und Pigmentstörungen Vor- und Nachbehandlung zur Faltenunterspritzung Vorteile von Hydrafacial 1. RF Hubkopf: Aufzüge und strafft die Haut, stimuliert die Kollagen und verbessert die Kontur hängende. 2. Kalt Hammer Whitening Kopf: Beruhigt, bleicht und verjüngt die Haut schrumpft Poren, beseitigt Rötungen, reduziert die Empfindlichkeit und verbessert die dunkelgelbe Haut. 3. Haut Scrubber Kopf: Rejuvenation Reparatur, entfernen abgestorbene Hautzellen, verbessern überschüssige Nagelhaut, feine Haut und die Hautstruktur verbessern. 4. Hydra Dermabrasion Pen: Tiefenreinigung, entfernen Sie Fett, Mitesser, Akne, Schmutz, verbessern fettige Haut, die Elastizität der Haut erhöhen, Hautton verbessern. 5. Polymer Atomisierende Pen: Feuchtigkeitsspendende und feuchtigkeitsspendend, dringt schnell in die Haut und die Haut Vitalität erhöht. 6. Ultraschall-Griff: Nährstoff Einführung, Ultraschall-10-3000000 Vibration, ein tiefes Eindringen, Haut Boden zu reparieren. 7. effektiv Feuchtigkeit und bleichen Haut, Falten zu glätten. Es kann Gesichtsflecken Schäden an der Haut reduzieren. Regulate 8. Talgdrüsen Sekretion, reduzieren Gesichts-Akne, Haut Aufnahme von Nährstoffen verbessern. Beschleunigen den Stoffwechsel, beseitigen Hautunreinheiten.

  • Pedicure

    (Entferung von shellac/lack Fussbad, Peeling, Feilen, Nagelhaut, Hornhaut, Massage, Lackieren) mit Fräser Maschine chf85.00 Ohne Lackieren chf 70.00 Express (nur Nägel feilen/schmeiden und Hornhaut entfernen) chf55.00 mit Lackieren chf60.00 Lackieren + chf10.00 Lackwechsel chf20 Shellac/gel-lack +chf20.00 chf25.00 shellc mit french chf15.00

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